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My Work: Video Player

Throughout my time as a Digital Journalism Apprentice at the BBC, I have filmed, edited and published a variety of videos across different platforms.

Please take a look at my blog and the pieces I am most proud of.

My Work: Text

The Feel Fabulous Project

Meet the mums tackling mental and physical health with their kids. When Hannah became a mum for the first time, she struggled to keep fit...

The gym doing good

Have you ever though about combining exercise and helping your local community? Meet the group of Bournemouth Runners doing exactly. The...

Cycling Without Age in Weymouth

A global movement started in Copenhagen that provides bike rides for people who would not normally cycle is helping those in the South....

The Naked Quench

Going plastic-free and the rise of zero-waste shops. Packaging-free refill shops are on the rise all over the country as the backlash...

Sooty the therapy donkey

Meet Sooty the donkey who gives up his free time to visit care homes. Donkeys like Sooty, regularly enjoy visits to residential homes,...

Quidditch in Southampton

Did you think Quidditch was just for Muggles? The University of Southampton Quidditch team begs a differ. The new and upcoming sport...

My Work: Blog2
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